My Little Pony Rewatch Project

Deconstruction is Magic

Episode [1.17] – “Stare Master”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Those girls have really done it this time! They’ve really bitten off more than they can chew! Oh, just like me… I never should have offered to watch them…”

The "ei" actually stands for "energetic & immature."
After Sweetie Belle nearly demolishes Carousel Boutique When unfortunate circumstances force Rarity to cancel the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ sleepover at her Boutique, Fluttershy graciously offers to take the trio for the night. Good with animals, good with kids, right? Nnnnope, not with these troublemakers. Poor Fluttershy learns far too late that trying to keep these kids down is an exercise in futility, and soon finds herself facing off against a deadly foe to try and extricate them from the danger they had run into headlong and clucking.


Episode [1.16] – “Sonic Rainboom”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Rainbow Dash, are you okay? You don’t look so good.”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be okay? Everyone’s so in love with Rarity’s wings that they won’t even notice when I totally BLOW IT in the Best Young Flyer’s Competition.”

Rainbow Dash is set to compete in Cloudsdale’s Best Young Flyer’s Competition, but is a bit less secure in her ability to perform well for it than she appears on the surface. Her friends make an effort to get themselves to Cloudsdale for the competition to cheer her on, but the attention Rarity gets for the wings Twilight gave her to let her attend quickly go to her head, and Rainbow finds extra competition rather than support from her friend.


Episode [1.15] – “Feeling Pinkie Keen”

This week, on My Little Pony

“What’s she doing now?”

“Smelling a flower.”

“HOLY GUACAMOLE! I wonder what that means!”

“… Probably that the flower smells good.”

BUT... I DON'T... HOW... THAT SHOULDN'T...*broken spring sound*
Twilight is desperate to scientifically explain Pinkie Pie’s seemingly uncanny ability to determine future events based on combinations of her own body’s twitches and flutters. Many things go splat as a result.

Episode [1.14] – “Suited for Success”

This week, on My Little Pony

“I’m never coming out! I can’t show my face in Ponyville ever again! I used to be somepony… I used to be respected! I made dresses… Beautiful, beautiful dresses! But now everypony is laughing at me. I’m nothing but a laughing stock!”

“You’re not a laughing stock, Rarity…”

“She kind of is.”

“Shhh! Come on out and talk to us.”

“Leave me alo~one! I want to be alone! I want to wallow in… whatever it is that ponies are supposed to wallow in! Do ponies wallow in pity? Oh, listen to me, I don’t even know what I’m supposed to wallow in! I’M SO PATHETI~IC!”

The "ei" actually stands for "entirely irrational."
In a sudden burst of inspiration and generosity, Rarity offers to create a different, stunning, original, amazing outfit for each of her friends to wear to the Grand Galloping Gala and display in a Ponyville fashion show. But it seems her friends had their own dress ideas in their heads all along, and the client’s always right… right? Will everypony’s “ideal” dress be enough to impress Hoity Toity, Canterlot’s fashion snob extraordinaire, or will they realize the error in their ways too late? (Spoiler alert: if you read the quote above, you can probably guess which outcome wound up happening.)


Episode [1.13] – “Fall Weather Friends”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Welcome to the official coverage of the Running of the Leaves! You know, Spike, despite its name, the leaves don’t do any of the actual running. No, that’s left to my little ponies.”

“Why, yes, Pinkie, it’s the running of the ponies that causes the leaves to fall.”

“Ugh, those lazy, lazy leaves. But this year, the run is about more than the weather. It’s about the race to the finish and the two ponies who want to win it: Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

“You know, Pinkie, these two ponies have a bit of a grudge match they’re trying to settle. Trying to prove who’s the most athletic.”

“Yes! And grudge rhymes with fudge!”

“Yes it… does. What?”

“And I like fudge! But if I eat too much fudge I get a pudge and then I can’t budge.”

“So… no fudge?”

“Oh, no thanks, I had a big breakfast.”


To settle an argument over which of them is the most athletic, Rainbow Dash and Applejack hold a series of physical contests to prove once and for all who’s the best. Rainbow wins by a landslide, but Applejack isn’t satisfied, claiming Dash used her wings to cheat her way through most of the competition. The two decide to use the annual Running of the Leaves race as a rematch, but will their hyper-competitive nature get in the way of what the point of the run is supposed to be?


Episode [1.12] – “Call of the Cutie”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Well, now that we’re friends, what if the three of us work together to find out who we are and what we’re supposed to be?”

“Ooh! Ooh! We could form our own secret society!”

“I’m liking this idea.”

“A secret society. Yeah. We need a name for it, though.”

“The Cutie Mark Three?”

“The Cutastically Fantastics?”

“How about… The Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“It’s perfect!”

“This is gonna be so great!”

“We’re gonna be unstoppable!”

A destined end?
More and more of the ponies in Applebloom’s class are waking up to newly achieved Cutie Marks, leaving her with a mocking air of not belonging as her flank remains blank. Will she ever find out what type of pony she’s meant to be?


Episode [1.11] – “Winter Wrap Up”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Come on Spike, this is serious business. Winter needs to be wrapped up, and I’m determined to do my part. Somehow…”

The "ei" actually stands for "eager intentions."
Twilight desperately wants to do her part to help out in an annual Ponyville tradition, Winter Wrap Up, but can’t quite figure out where she fits in: everything she tries her hoof at ends up in disaster, and that she is not allowed to use her magic to help out just makes things all the more difficult. Seemingly unable to do anything but mess up, Twilight despairs… until the whole town begins to unravel into a disorganized mess in front of her eyes, and she realizes that even without magic she can still make a great contribution.


Episode [1.10] – “Swarm of the Century”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Okay! Here’s the plan. Rainbow Dash, you distract them. Good! Everyone else, we need to build an exact copy of Ponyville right over there. We’ve got less than a minute!

…Zecora was right. We’re doomed.”

When Fluttershy discovers an adorable creature from the Everfree Forest, she has to share it with her friends. And what luck, more of them appear out of nowhere in transit, so each of her friends can have one. But when the creatures begin to multiply exponentially and devour the town’s food supplies, the survival of Ponyville may be at stake. On top of that, Princess Celestia is due to visit at any moment, leaving Twilight in a panic over things being ready. And where is Pinkie during all of this?


Episode [1.09] – “Bridle Gossip”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Well, I heard that Zecora eats hay.”

“Pinkie, I eat hay. You eat hay!”

“Yeah, but I heard it’s the evil way she eats hay.”

Marking this as a shameful chapter in Ponyville history.
When Twilight discovers everyone cowering behind locked doors one day, she learns they’re hiding from Zecora, a Zebra “witch” from far-off lands whom everyone fears is plotting fiendish schemes against them. After a confrontation, the Mane Six all wake up the next morning with horrible curses, and a mob of hate and scornful superstition is quickly formed. Thankfully, no torches.

Episode [1.08] – “Look Before You Sleep”

This week, on My Little Pony

“Oh yeah? Well, I’m the get-alongin’ist pony yer ever gonna meet!”

“That’s not even a word.”

“This is going to be the bestest slumber party ever! Yay!”

I can see right through that mask of yours. And I see contempt!
A doozy of a thunderstorm forces the earthy Applejack and the prissy Rarity to bunker down in Twilight Sparkle’s library. Within nothing else to do but wait out the storm, Twilight jumps on something she’s always wanted to do: have a slumber party! Makeovers, ghost stories, pillowflights, and two diametrically opposed friends. What could possibly go wrong?


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