Season 1 Wrapup
Tessa, Gerf, and Noel sit down and reminisce about the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Expect discussions, laughing, time paradoxes, and more forward-references than you can shake a stick at!
My Little Pony Rewatch Project
Deconstruction is Magic
Tessa, Gerf, and Noel sit down and reminisce about the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Expect discussions, laughing, time paradoxes, and more forward-references than you can shake a stick at!
“I can’t believe we’re finally here! With all that we’ve imagined, the reality of this night is sure to make this the best night ever!”
“W-what do you want to hear?! Tell me what to say, and I’ll say it!”
“Tell me that my friends are all lying to me and avoiding me because they don’t like my parties and they DON’T WANT TO BE MY FRIENDS ANYMORE!”
“Your friends are all lying to you and avoiding you ’cause they don’t like your parties and they don’t want to be your friends anymore!”
…oh no, my friends don’t like my parties and they don’t want to be my friends anymore…”
“I’ve also packed a telescope, apples, bananas, fruit punch, and my freshly-baked, homemade, triple-decker, nut-crazy vanilla cream cookies!”
“I can see that. Once again, you’ve read my mind, Spike. And that is why you are my number one assistant.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you.”
“Ugh! These namby-pamby stories aren’t getting us any closer to our cutie marks! They’re all about finding who you really are and boring stuff like that!”
“Hi, Fluttershy! I just wanted to drop by and say thank you so very much for making such a good impression on the princess today… *GASP* What is Celestia’s pet doing here?!”
“I couldn’t just leave the poor thing there. She needed my help.”
“Oh no. NonononononoNO! This is bad.”
“How could I just walk away and not do anything?”
“But… but… she doesn’t belong to you!”
“I had to do something.”
“Without telling anypony?! Without asking permission?!”
“It appears that Sheriff Silverstar and I have come to… an agreement.”
“We have.”
“That was the worst performance we’ve ever seen.”
“Floottershy! I have been looking for you everywhere. We have the thing at the place!”
“I’ll see you at the spa? Our usual time?”
“Of course! I can’t wait to hear all about the… thing… at the place.”
“Good gracious, I can’t take this anymore. Be quiet, pony!”
“And that’s another thing. I would appreciate it if you stopped calling me “pony”. I am a lady and I wish to be addressed as such. So you may call me “Miss” or “Rarity” or “Miss Rarity”.”
“Enough! Your whining! It-it-it hurts!”
“Whining? I am not whining. I am complaining. Do you want to hear whining? Thiiis iiis whiiiining! Oooh, this harness is too tiiight! It’s going to chafe. Can’t you loosen it? Oooh, it hurts and it’s sooo ruuusty! Why didn’t you clean it first? It’s gonna leave a staaaain! And the wagon’s getting heeeavy, why do I have to pull it?!”
“Aaah! Make it stop!”
“Stop whining!”
“But I thought you waaanted whiiining!”
While out hunting for gems with Spike, Rarity is ambushed and captured by a group of jewel-loving Diamond Dogs who intend to make her use her ability for them. Spike rushes to the others to mount a rescue, but does Rarity even need saving?
“Sweetie Belle, I think you should be a singer.”
“What? No way I’m singing in front of a crowd! Twilight said to do something we like to do, and I’d like to be like my big sister, and she’s a designer.”
“Fine then, you can do the costumes and the scenery.”
“And Scootaloo, you’re great in maneuvers on your scooter, so you should do the choreography. Y’know, all those dance moves.”
“Nah, I’d rather sing a wicked rock ballad. Why don’t you come up with the dance routine, Apple Bloom?”
“Hmm, I’m not much of a dancer, but I do like kung-fu. That’s kinda like dancing. Hi-ya! Hah hah! Yah!”
“Then it’s settled! Let’s get started.”